Bone Rattling News

Welcome to our monthly newsletter!

 Bones A Family Chiropractic Wellness Center
300 South Raymond Ave.
Ste. 19
Pasadena, Ca. 91105

John Bianchi
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 Health Articles and More! Other articles in this months newsletter:

Exercise and Low Back Pain
Dr. David L. Phillips
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Pregnancy and Chiropractic, A winning Combination!
Dr. Jackie St. Cyr DC
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Infantile Colic Improved with Chiropractic
Dr. John Zimmerman
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How can I protect myself from sports injuries?
Dr. Pamela Stone
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How can I protect myself from sports injuries?
Dr. Pamela Stone
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You faithfully wear your helmet while riding, you stretch regularly, you get massage and chiropractic care, yet you still get sidelined by injuries. What's going on? (You aren’t doing all of the above??).

Despite the fact that you should be doing the above, there's more to staying injury-free than keeping your muscles limber. Athletes often overlook measures that can protect them from problems like sore knees and pulled muscles.
Overuse injuries . Many people associate sports related injuries with accidents or falls, however, the vast majority of triathlon-related injuries come on gradually. Stress that builds over weeks or months can cause aching kneecaps, stress fractures, shinsplints, pulled muscles, IT Band pain, strained hamstrings, tenderness in the Achilles tendon, or burning pain in the heel. You don't necessarily have to work out extra hard or long to get them either.

Here are some tips for preventing overuse injuries:
• Increase your workouts gradually (that’s where coaches come in handy!)
• Don't push through pain. There’s a difference between pain from your body signaling that something is wrong, and pain from not resting enough. Realize the difference, but pay attention to both.
• Run on soft surfaces any time it is possible.
• Alternate hard training days with easy days.
• Get new running shoes every 400-500 miles. With use, shoes lose their ability to absorb shock.
• If you pronate (the inside of your foot leans in), supinate, or have another alignment problem, go see your chiropractor or podiatrist. Orthotics usually can help.
• Stretch regularly! Stretching helps you to increase range-of-motion, loosen up and improve flexibility, and decrease injury. Perform a light stretch before your workout, but spend 10-15 minutes after your workouts doing more complete stretches.

  About our Practice
Safe and natural chiropractic care for the entire family.