Mellor Health Solutions Newsletter
November 2023

5 Healthy Alternatives to Coffee

Many studies have found that coffee is not as bad for the health as was once thought, and that it does have valuable anti-oxidant properties not previously understood. Even so, there are still good reasons for eschewing America?s favorite addictive substance. Many do not like the energy crash they experience when the caffeine wears off; others feel jittery after a cup of java or have medications that do not mix well with coffee. If looking for a substitute, read below to find out more about five popular alternatives.

Green Tea

Green tea is one of the best choices for those looking for a drink that will stimulate the metabolism, strengthen one?s overall health and most importantly help to boost the energy levels. It does contain some caffeine, though not as much as coffee, and by brewing it at home, it is possible to avoid the additives and the artificial sweeteners that have been packed into commercial green tea energy drinks. It is also rich in cancer-fighting and immunity-boosting antioxidants.

Carob Powder

If looking for a chocolate-fix without the guilty associated with extra fat and calories, carob might be the best bet. It blends beautifully with milk (as well as almond or soy milk) and fruits such as bananas for a high-powered, healthy shake and at only 25 calories per tablespoon, it is okay to indulge a little. There are many carob recipes to be found on health-concious Internet sites.

Green Juices and Smoothies

Both leafy and solid green vegetables are a great basis for healthy juices and smoothies: they are low on the glycemic index, so they are digested slowly by the body and provide sustained energy throughout the day. There are a number of recipes on the Web which offer a nutritious combination of fruits and vegetables for these beverages which will regularize the blood sugar and boost the immunity and the energy level.

Peppermint Tea

Even though there is no caffeine in peppermint tea (make sure to buy the ?herbal? version of this and not simply peppermint-flavored black tea, which does contain caffeine) it can still provide a natural energy boost. In addition to giving a little pick-me-up, it is also excellent for digestive health and will treat complaints like nausea and indigestion: it has been used for these purposes as far back as the Egyptians and works just as well in modern times!


If wanting to give up coffee, but missing the flavor, teecino may be just the product to buy. This coffee-flavored, all-natural blend of grains, herbs, fruits and nuts imitates the taste of coffee and provides a gentle, natural energy boost but does not cause a caffeine ?bust? like coffee when it wears off.

These drinks still provide needed energy boosts but do not cause the caffeine crashes which so often happens with coffee. Also, many of them bring with them added health benefits that make them an even more attractive choice for a daily beverage.

Our newsletter is created as an educational resource that provides patients with education, information and the best choices in natural Health care and Wellness.

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About Our Practice
At Mellor Health Solutions our focus is on the Whole Family and their Best Health. We are a successful Health and Wellness Clinic with three decades of experience. We excel at Designed Clinical Nutrition programs for every individual in the Family and every need of the individual. We utilize the "Cellular Healing Diet" from Dr.Pompa, Nutrition Response Testing, Neural Organizational Technique, Meridian BioFeedack analysis , Nutritional supplements, Herbal supplements, and Homeopathy to restore Your Health. We are excited about of our very successful and popular comprehensive Weight loss program that we have combined with Dr.Pompas "Cellular Healing Diet". Our program is available for restoring your lean body mass, youthful looks and optimum Health. Better yet the combination of the two lifestyle changes grant you the ability to maintain not only your natural lean body mass and weight, but true Health as well! And we offer Chiropractic care that helps remove interferences within the body and helps reestablish neurological organization and balance with emphasis on identifying the underlying cause. Please contact us with any questions and for a consultation to see what we can do for you and your Health concerns. We are looking forward to talking with you soon.

Mellor Chiropractic and Mellor Health Solutions Clinic  33 Madison Professional Park Rexburg ID 83440 Phone: 208-356-6009 Fax: 208-356-4466
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