Modern Back and Neck Clinic Newsletter
May 2022

New Diet and Exercise Guidelines
Gary Peters, D.C.

The federal government issued new dietary guidelines for Americans in January. Finally, the conventional medical paradigm may be indeed GETTING IT in terms of the amount of daily exercise one needs to lose weight, according to the revised Dietary Guidelines for Americans along with a new Food Pyramid unveiled yesterday. Now, they recommend allotting 60-90 minutes EACH DAY to exercise.

That's a smart move, considering the key factor in building optimal health in people who have insulin resistance and need to lose weight is a 90-minute "dose" of exercise daily!

Most of the two-thirds of the country who are overweight and tens of millions of others with high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes, desperately need more exercise to revitalize their health. In fact, unlike typical commercial drugs, exercise can actually cause one to go into permanent remission for diabetes.

Other highlights of the new standards:

  • Lowering your intake of trans fats as much as possible.
  • Cutting back on sugar.
  • Increasing your daily intake of fruits and vegetables to 5-13 servings.
  • Eat fiber-rich whole fruits and vegetables and whole grains.
  • Exercise 30-90 minutes every day.

We believe that patient education is one of the most important aspects of healthcare. It is our duty to not only care for you physically, but also educate you so that you can continue staying healthy.

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It is our goal to see that you are well taken care of and receive a broad range of chiropractic benefits. Let us help you feel better fast and regain the strong, healthy spine you deserve!

Modern Back and Neck Clinic  Modern Back and Neck Clinic 4041 W. Wheatland Road, #120 Dallas, TX 75237 Phone: 972-283-3300 Fax: 972-283-3302
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