Kerner Chiropractic Center E-Newsletter
April 2014

Good Health Takes Commitment
Dr. Brian Kerner

My son earned his Second Degree Black Belt!  As I watched my 12 year old take his Tae Kwon Do test, I thought about how much perseverance and commitment he had shown to get to that level.  For over 6 years, at least four times a week, he trained to achieve his goal. Along the way, there were days when he did not feel like training, but he did it anyway.  In the end, he accomplished his goal and, in the process, became incredibly fit both physically and mentally.  My daughter is months away from receiving her Black Belt too!

Commitment is needed to reach your health goals.  It is an on-going process. Whether it is losing weight, decreasing pain, increasing fitness, improving muscle strength or improving stamina, regular exercises and stretching is often needed.

To get the best results from Chiropractic care, a certain degree of commitment is necessary as well.  Along with keeping your scheduled appointments, it is vital to perform the recommended home-based stretching and strengthening as well as an aerobic exercise program.   Of course, in the beginning, it may be too soon to start a strenuous work-out routine.  As the initial pain and inflammation lessen, a gradual increase in exercise is often recommended.

Exercising at least three times a week is vital to your health. Sometimes we don't feel like exercising or have other excuses for not doing it. We often feel better when we exercise and also have a sense of accomplishment.  Perhaps we can reward ourselves with our own personal "black belt" when we reach our desired health and fitness goals. 

Just like my son attaining his goal, strive to follow a program of visits and understand that there is a process to go through before optimal results are achieved.  Not following the recommended treatment plan delays the process.

If you have a recommended treatment plan of say twice a week for six weeks, it is very important to follow the schedule.  If you miss visits, you are ultimately prolonging the length of the treatment plan and not allowing the adjustments to build on each other. It's just like exercise.

Make sure to keep your appointments, do your recommended exercise program, and eat health promoting foods.  In this way, you will be out of pain quicker, your body will heal faster, and most importantly, you wil be stronger and less likely to have future problems.

Your commitment to your health will improve your quality of life.

"The natural force in each one of us is the greatest force in getting well." Hippocrates


Happy Easter, Passover, and Earth Day!

Spring is here. With the longer days, it's a great time to get out there and exercise. Whether you like to walk, run, hike, play golf, tennis, etc., please remember to warm up before physical activities.

Please let me know if you are training for any competitions. I want to help you reach your goals pain free.

Thank you Bruce E., Stephanie J., David K., Karina K., Joan S., and Karina T. for your very kind referrals, testimonials, and Yelp reviews. I really appreciate you for thinking about your friends and family.

Yours in health,

Dr. Brian Kerner

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About Our Practice
For over 20 years, Dr. Brian Kerner has been offering quality chiropractic care, including full spine adjustments (low and high force), massage and physio-therapy. We are a family practice, providing chiropractic care for adults and children.

Kerner Chiropractic Center  3106 Fillmore St (at Filbert) San Francisco CA 94123-3417 Phone: 415-563-2452
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