Block Family Chiropractic Newsletter

Welcome to our monthly newsletter!

 Dr. David Block / Family Chiropractic
1108 Madison Plaza
Chesapeake VA 23320

Dr. David N. Block
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 Announcement Other articles in this months newsletter:

Long Term Health Benefits of Chiropractic Care
Dr. Mark Ott
[ read article ]

Tea: Is It Time for a Tea Party?
[ read article ]

Famous Athletes Who Use Chiropractic Care
Anthony Galante
[ read article ]

10 easy, natural remedies for conquering the common cold
Jonathon Benson
[ read article ]

Hey everyone, Dr. Block & Dr. Donner here welcoming you to 'Fall' 2013. Hope our newsletter finds you and your family well. As we move into cooler weather, we do so with excitement as we find ourselves helping people get well who have tried other methods with not much success. Dr. Donner is currently finishing up scheduling her workshops for 2013, lectures and custom tailored speaking engagements which have always been and will remain free. If your company, civic group, or worship group would like Dr. Donner to offer one of her health presentations, please contact her at 436-5428 to schedule one. A hot topic which she is promoting this year is "Stretch Yourself to Better Health." It is fun, interactive and informative and guaranteed to make you feel better. Remember that we are open 6 days a week and are here most days until 7 pm. We are also happy to announce that we have lunch time appointments available on Mondays and Fridays. Many new insurance changes will take place in 2013, so feel free to contact Erin or Susan with any questions as well as which choices would be best for you. If you have not been in for a while due to "Economic issues" please contact one of us as we do not want your health to suffer due to money. Give us a chance to see what we can do to lend you a hand. Looking forward to serving your family's health needs in 2013 !!!
p.s. If the school nurse or sports coach has suspected scoliosis in your child, or they are participating in soccer, baseball, gymnastics or dance, contact us right away so that we may offer you some options that may help while your child develops and may help them excel in their sport. Early intervention and prevention can lead to elimination of life long problems.
P.S.S Fall allergies got you stuffy and sneezing? We can offer you some easy to implement advice on your next visit that will make the season a whole lot easier for you

  Health Articles and More!
10 easy, natural remedies for conquering the common cold
Jonathon Benson

Persistent coughing, runny nose, stuffed up sinuses, headaches -- these are among the many symptoms that can drag you down and leave you feeling helpless to make it through your day and fulfill your responsibilities when you catch a cold virus. But rather than reach for those chemical-laden cough syrups and mind-numbing antihistamines, why not instead try one or more of these 10 natural remedies for conquering the common cold?

1) Vitamin D. Vitamin D is perhaps the most overlooked, and yet arguably one of the most effective, remedies for treating the common cold. Although it works better as a preventive regimen, taking higher than normal doses of vitamin D3 daily -- some experts recommend taking 10,000 international units (IU) or more of vitamin D3 every day -- can help reduce cold and flu symptoms and get you back to normal health much more quickly than without them. (

2) Apple cider vinegar. Cold viruses tend to put the body into an overly acidic state, which makes it that much more difficult for the immune system to fight disease. But taking apple cider vinegar, a powerful alkalizing food, will help not only kill a cold but also squash its miserable symptoms. Mixing a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with warm water, honey, and lemon, and drinking the concoction several times a day will have you back to health in no time. (

3) Vitamin C. A powerful immune booster, vitamin C is a go-to remedy for both preventing and treating colds. Some experts recommend taking up to 2,000 milligrams (mg) or more of non-genetically-modified (non-GMO) ascorbic acid or sodium ascorbate every two hours while suffering cold symptoms. Other vitamin C options include camu camu and acerola cherry powders, as well as "liposomal" vitamin C preparations. (

4) Honey. A powerful soothing and healing agent, raw honey from untainted bees can go a long way in boosting immunity and treating cold symptoms. Its diverse array of antioxidant, antiviral, and antibacterial nutrients make honey an excellent cold medicine that mixes well with other cold remedies such as apple cider vinegar and lemon. (

5) Ginger. Another powerful, soothing agent, ginger root is a powerful healer with amazing anti-inflammatory properties. Because it targets stomach upset, those suffering from cold symptoms that involve digestion can experience dramatic relief from taking ginger. Ginger also helps warm the body, which is highly effective at promoting perspiration and the expelling of toxins and other harmful invaders. (

6) Zinc. Often sold in syrup or lozenge form for such purposes, zinc has been scientifically shown to help combat the sniffling, sneezing, and coughing symptoms typically associated with colds. Zinc is also a powerful immune-boosting trace element that facilitates the proper function of more than 3,000 proteins in the body, as well as the promotion of healthy digestive function, which is where the bulk of immunity lies. (

7) Echinacea. A 2007 study out of the University of Connecticut found that supplementing with echinacea herb not only reduces your chances of developing a cold by more than 50 percent, but can also shorten the duration of cold symptoms by several days. Because it stimulates the immune system and promotes the activation of T-cells, echinacea is an excellent cold remedy, especially when combined with many of the other remedies listed in this report. (

8) Neti pot. If stuffed-up sinuses are one of your primary ailments, using a neti pot to clear them out is an easy, natural way to help you get back on your feet. Just fill a sanitized neti pot with warm water and about one teaspoon of sea salt, and gently pour it down your sinuses. Besides clearing out your nasal passages, the cleansing salts will also help eliminate bacteria and other harmful pathogens. (

9) Oil of oregano. Rich in four specific groups of chemicals that synergistically promote healing and strong immunity, essential oil of oregano is unparalleled in its ability to both prevent harmful viruses from taking hold, and eradicating existing viruses such as the common cold. The natural terpene chemicals found in oil or oregano exhibit powerful antiviral and anti-inflammatory activity, while carvacrol, the primary active ingredient in oil of oregano, fight off harmful pathogens. (

10) Coconut oil. This elixir from the coconut palm is one of the most powerful, natural antiviral compounds known to man. Coconut oil has an amazing ability to target virtually any virus, including cold viruses. Rich in medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs), coconut oil absorbs directly into viral cells where it breaks apart and disintegrates the protective coating of the virus, effectively killing it. Take a tablespoon or two daily of extra virgin coconut oil, particularly at the onset of cold symptoms, can effectively thwart the virus from taking hold and running its course.

  About our Practice
We are dedicated to helping families learn more about natural health care and healthy living through Chiropractic. Please share this newsletter with someone you care about or love, someone you work with, or maybe someone who needs to learn more about how we help people achieve a greater degree of health. I am always available to discuss your health or the health of someone you would like to refer to our office. Ask me about our "Help a Friend Program" which is a simple, no-cost way for you to extend knowledge and help to someone who needs it. You never know how you can change someone's life by sharing information like this newsletter or about how you or someone you know has gotten well with Chiropractic. I am always available to answer any health questions that you may have or to talk to someone you know that needs my help. Call me at 436-5428 and I will personally assist you to help someone get well.