Block Family Chiropractic Newsletter

Welcome to our monthly newsletter!

 Dr. David Block / Family Chiropractic
1108 Madison Plaza
Chesapeake VA 23320

Dr. David N. Block
email - website

 Announcement Other articles in this months newsletter:

Long Term Health Benefits of Chiropractic Care
Dr. Mark Ott
[ read article ]

Tea: Is It Time for a Tea Party?
[ read article ]

Famous Athletes Who Use Chiropractic Care
Anthony Galante
[ read article ]

10 easy, natural remedies for conquering the common cold
Jonathon Benson
[ read article ]

Hey everyone, Dr. Block & Dr. Donner here welcoming you to 'Fall' 2013. Hope our newsletter finds you and your family well. As we move into cooler weather, we do so with excitement as we find ourselves helping people get well who have tried other methods with not much success. Dr. Donner is currently finishing up scheduling her workshops for 2013, lectures and custom tailored speaking engagements which have always been and will remain free. If your company, civic group, or worship group would like Dr. Donner to offer one of her health presentations, please contact her at 436-5428 to schedule one. A hot topic which she is promoting this year is "Stretch Yourself to Better Health." It is fun, interactive and informative and guaranteed to make you feel better. Remember that we are open 6 days a week and are here most days until 7 pm. We are also happy to announce that we have lunch time appointments available on Mondays and Fridays. Many new insurance changes will take place in 2013, so feel free to contact Erin or Susan with any questions as well as which choices would be best for you. If you have not been in for a while due to "Economic issues" please contact one of us as we do not want your health to suffer due to money. Give us a chance to see what we can do to lend you a hand. Looking forward to serving your family's health needs in 2013 !!!
p.s. If the school nurse or sports coach has suspected scoliosis in your child, or they are participating in soccer, baseball, gymnastics or dance, contact us right away so that we may offer you some options that may help while your child develops and may help them excel in their sport. Early intervention and prevention can lead to elimination of life long problems.
P.S.S Fall allergies got you stuffy and sneezing? We can offer you some easy to implement advice on your next visit that will make the season a whole lot easier for you

  Health Articles and More!
Tea: Is It Time for a Tea Party?

Some animal studies have shown hope regarding the potential health benefits of tea. Yet others show little effect on health.

Possible benefits of tea

Different teas: The question of green tea vs black tea is one of great debate. Green tea is made from unfermented leaves, and black tea is made from fermented leaves of the same plant. Oolong tea and white tea also come from the same plant, but are less extensively studied.

Stroke: Some animal studies have shown that green tea might help prevent stroke.

Cancer: Animal studies and cell studies have shown that extracts of green tea and tea polyphenols might help prevent the development and growth of many forms of cancer. Unfortunately, epidemiological studies are much less hopeful. Green tea does not seem to help prevent prostate cancer unless the man has, or is at high risk for, the disease. Cohort studies have not shown any effect on consumption of green tea and risk for developing breast cancer for most women. However, like prostate cancer, green tea might benefit women who already are diagnosed with breast cancer. In general, it seems more likely that green tea is attributed more than other types of tea with the prevention of cancer and recurrence of cancer.

Weight loss: Contrary to popular belief, the catechin epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) does not seem to aid weight-loss efforts. Some evidence shows that the polyphenol content of tea can increase endurance during exercise because of improved fat metabolism.

Memory: It does appear hopeful that either green or black tea may help to slow the memory decline that occurs with aging. In one large study, it appears that people who drank either kind of tea at least five times a week had roughly a 30% slower rate of decline on annual Mini-Mental State Examinations than those who did not consume any tea.

Cardiovascular disease: The study of tea in relation to cardiovascular disease remains inconclusive regarding catechin effects on lipid levels, blood pressure, and coronary artery disease. The US Food and Drug Administration has deemed the evidence regarding green tea and heart health as 'supportive, but not conclusive.'

Diabetes: Findings on diabetes and tea also are inconclusive, and the evidence seems even less convincing as more studies are completed.

Osteoporosis: Black tea may prevent osteoporosis.

Tooth decay: Both black and green teas seem to inhibit bacteria that cause tooth decay.

Parkinson's disease: A study published in the April 2011 issue of Parkinsonism & Related Disorders found that coffee, black tea, Japanese tea, and Chinese tea all decreased the risk of Parkinson's disease.

Immune function and autoimmune disease: On June 2, 2011, Oregon State University announced the finding that green tea increases the number of regulatory T cells that play a key role in immune function and suppression of autoimmune disease. The findings were published in Immunology Letters. Scientists noted that EGCG effects were 'not as potent as some of those produced by prescription drugs, but it also had few concerns about long-term use or toxicity.'

The terminology of tea

Polyphenols: These are chemicals found in many foods, including tea. They are antioxidants.

Oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) score: ORAC is a measure of antioxidants. Tea ranks as well as many fruits and vegetables on the ORAC score.

Flavonoids: These polyphenols may have anti-inflammatory and anticarcinogenic properties.

Catechins: These are a form of flavonoids.

EGCG: EGCG is the catechin most present in tea and the catechin most studied for health benefits. EGCG is not fully absorbed by the body and is not 'readily available' to the body.

Bottled teas

A bottle of a popular tea beverage is not likely to do much for you. The content of actual tea in these drinks is so minor, actually negligible. If the ingredient list says 'tea extracts' or 'tea concentrate,' you might as well skip it. A 16-oz bottle probably contains fewer polyphenols than 1 cup of brewed tea. If you want to try tea, go for the freshly brewed form.

Decaffeinated tea

It is not known whether decaffeinated teas have the same polyphenols or level of polyphenols as traditional brews.

Milk in tea

Originally, it was thought that milk blocked the absorption of catechins. It is now known that it does not, unless you plan to make your tea with milk and then let it sit for 1 hour or longer before drinking it.

The bottom line

It is hard to say whether it is the tea itself that improves health or whether it is something else that happens to correlate with people who tend to drink more tea. For instance, do the people who drink the most tea also exercise the most or eat the most vegetables? More research is needed to know for sure, but it looks as though you will likely have to drink several cups of tea each day to aid your health. However, tea is unlikely to hurt you, so you might as well drink it for the potential health benefits.

  About our Practice
We are dedicated to helping families learn more about natural health care and healthy living through Chiropractic. Please share this newsletter with someone you care about or love, someone you work with, or maybe someone who needs to learn more about how we help people achieve a greater degree of health. I am always available to discuss your health or the health of someone you would like to refer to our office. Ask me about our "Help a Friend Program" which is a simple, no-cost way for you to extend knowledge and help to someone who needs it. You never know how you can change someone's life by sharing information like this newsletter or about how you or someone you know has gotten well with Chiropractic. I am always available to answer any health questions that you may have or to talk to someone you know that needs my help. Call me at 436-5428 and I will personally assist you to help someone get well.