Dr. Cindy Gale's Well Being Newsletter
September 2013

Sweets: How to Overcome Cravings

What triggers cravings?

Psychological and emotional triggers:

  • Boredom and depression
  • Stress and anxiety
  • General need for comfort
  • Habit

    Physical triggers:

  • Low blood sugar
  • Thirst
  • Dehydration

    How can I overcome cravings?

    Change your routine
    If your craving is linked to a certain activity, such as watching television, go for a walk, call a friend, or just wait it out for 15 minutes.

    Drink more water
    Thirst is often perceived as hunger.

    Try sour and spicy foods
    Sour and spicy foods are known to help combat sweet cravings. Add lemon to your water.

    Limit refined flours, sugar, and alcohol
    Look for hidden sugars on food labels-typically those that end in "-ose." Common sugars are sucrose, dextrose, lactose, maltose, fructose, and high-fructose corn syrup.

    Eat breakfast every morning
    Start the day off with a healthy, well-balanced meal to help curb midday food cravings.

    Have small, frequent meals and snacks throughout the day
    Eat every 3-4 hours. Preventing hunger will help prevent cravings.

    Buy fruit instead of sweets
    If you do not have sweets in your house, you have no choice but to snack on apples or grapes.

    Think small
    If you must have something sweet, eat smaller portions. Have one scoop of ice cream with no chocolate syrup.

    Exercise daily
    Exercise releases endorphins, which help to reduce cravings. Walk at least 10 minutes every day.

    Reduce or eliminate caffeine
    The highs and lows of caffeine may contribute to dehydration and blood sugar imbalances, making cravings more urgent and frequent. Instead, choose decaffeinated coffee, herbal teas, caffeine-free and sugar-free soft drinks, or water.

    Get enough rest
    Many of us are sleep deprived. Rest and sleep to feel rejuvenated, rather than relying on sugar and stimulants.

    Check your blood glucose regularly
    Monitor and record your blood sugar level as recommended by your doctor.

    Treat yourself to something relaxing
    Reduce anxiety and stress by taking time for daily meditation or 'down time', even if only for a few minutes. Treat yourself to something that you enjoy, such as a bubble bath, manicure, pedicure, or massage on a regular basis - even monthly or quarterly is better than never.

  • Dr. Cindy Gale's Mission Is To Teach People
    How To Be Healthy In An Unhealthy World!


    "Nobody can hurt me without my permission."

    - Mahatma Gandhi

    "When America has a SPIRITUAL AWAKENING...then the Government will change! Not the other way around!"

    - Dr. Cindye Coates

    "Discipline is cultivated, not by force, but by having a vision that's clear enough to pull you forward."

    - Thomas M. Jones, Paradox Process

    "True love emanates from the Divine. It is the act of self-giving through creation, the impartation of the Divine through the human. Love is a complete unity with life and only as the soul becomes conscious of its ONENESS with all that lives can it express genuine love. When we realize that God and humanity are One, then we shall love humanity as an expression of God and God as the Life Principle in all creation."

    - Dr. Thurman Fleet, "Rays of the Dawn"

    "All that is necessary to break the spell of inertia and frustration is this: Act as if it were impossible to fail."

    - Dorothea Brande

    Other Articles
    Fluoride - The Danger in Your Water
    A Brief Look at the Food Additives MSG, Aspartame & Splenda
    How to turn deep breathing into a second heart Learn more:
    Treating All Your Sports Injuries
    The 5 Common Myths and Misconceptions About Chiropractic
    Sweets: How to Overcome Cravings

    Toxic food additive info on MSG, Aspartame, & Splenda available by email.

    This newsletter is designed to provide you with general information and the opinions of prominent Chiropractors, which should not be construed to constitute medical advice.

    About Our Practice
    Dr. Gale Offers:
    * FREE Karma Clearing at www.clearkarmanow.com * Transformational Life Coaching * FREE Phone Consultations * Gentle Chiropractic Care * Detoxing Protocols * Holistic & Alternative Healing * Candidiasis Protocols * Weight Loss & Nutritional Counseling * Toxic Food Additive Info about MSG, Aspartame & Sucralose * Lifestyle Makeovers * Shaklee & Nikken Products *

    Dr. Gale also serves as a:
    * Karma Clearer * Transformational Life Coach * Professional Public Speaker & Lecturer - Available for Speaking Engagements, Radio & TV Interviews * Writer - Published Author of "Seven Steps to Less Stress" * Articles for Journals, Newspapers, & Magazines * Nikken Distributor (www.Nikken.com) * Shaklee Distributor (www.Shaklee.com) *

    Please feel free to contact Dr. Gale with any health questions or concerns. If you would like to make an appointment for a consultation, you may contact her by phone at
    (404) 245-5342 or via email Drcindyg@aol.com.

    Dr. Cindy Gale  Atlanta, GA...(404) 245-5342
    Fmr Mbr - Networking Entrepreneurial Women; In "Manchester Who's Who Book of Professional Women"; Shaklee, Nikken & Advanced Naturals Products; Agent of Conscious Evolution; & Karma Clearer!
    email: drcindyg@aol.com