Dr. Cindy Gale's Well Being Newsletter
September 2013

The 5 Common Myths and Misconceptions About Chiropractic
Ronald D Moore

Health experts continue to conduct research designed to learn more about chiropractic care and how it works, but many people still do not understand some of the fundamental aspects of this beneficial treatment method. A lack of information is almost guaranteed to cause myths and misconceptions. Below are five common myths about chiropractic care, along with the actual truth behind them.

Myth No. 1: Any Benefits from Chiropractic Are Simply Due to the Placebo Effect

A great deal of research has proven that chiropractic truly is effective, with benefits that are not just the result of the placebo effect. In other words, chiropractic's benefits are "real" and not just psychological or "in people's heads."

It's important for you to understand that chiropractic is a form of therapy focused on the body's musculoskeletal system. It improves bodily functions by correcting issues associated with those particular parts of your body, such as your spine and your neck. The goal of chiropractic treatment is to restore your body's innate, natural ability to heal itself and retain its ability to function normally. Even a quick Google search will turn up scores of case studies that prove the benefits of chiropractic care.

Myth No. 2: Chiropractic Treatments are Risky

This misconception is one of the most widespread. Many people are afraid to seek chiropractic treatment because they believe it can cause injury and potentially lead to more serious problems. Even worse, some still think that chiropractors are not licensed doctors.

First of all, and most importantly, chiropractic is an acknowledged professional healthcare field, and chiropractors are considered to be, and licensed as, medical professionals. Chiropractic is a recognized form of alternative medicine, and a chiropractic degree is awarded only after the individual successfully completes a rigorous educational and training program. Chiropractic uses adjustment procedures on certain areas of the body, including the spine and the neck, to help restore mobility or function. Often, chiropractic treatments are used in conjunction with nutritional plans and relaxation techniques to provide optimal results.

Experts are essentially unanimous in their assessment of the safety of chiropractic care: it is considered to be safer than taking prescription pain medication and the associated side effects and risk of addiction, and it certainly is far less risky than surgery and the attendant risk of surgical complications.

Myth No. 3: Chiropractic Care is Painful

Chiropractic doctors have years of training and clinical experience, so there is no need to worry about feeling any pain during a chiropractic adjustment. Rarely, a patient might experience some minimal discomfort, but it does not rise to the level of pain. Certainly, this discomfort is insignificant compared to the painful recovery so typically associated with surgery. Chiropractic treatments are manually applied, and several factors can potentially change the sensations you feel during your treatment procedures. Simply put, however, chiropractic care is not painful.

Myth No. 4: Too Many Serious Side Effects are Associated with Chiropractic Care

You also don't need to worry about any serious side effects caused by chiropractic adjustments. Some people mistakenly believe they can lead to stroke or even death. Far to the contrary, chiropractic is recognized as one of the safest forms of treatment in the medical field. Its high degree of safety explains why ever-increasing numbers of people are turning to chiropractic care instead of undergoing risky surgeries or treatments with medication.

Myth No. 5: Chiropractic Care is Too Costly

Careful analysis reveals that chiropractic care is actually one of the most affordable treatment options for back pain, especially when compared to the cost of surgery. Somewhere, I read that chiropractic care costs an astonishing 90% less than typical back surgery!

Dr. Cindy Gale's Mission Is To Teach People
How To Be Healthy In An Unhealthy World!


"Nobody can hurt me without my permission."

- Mahatma Gandhi

"When America has a SPIRITUAL AWAKENING...then the Government will change! Not the other way around!"

- Dr. Cindye Coates

"Discipline is cultivated, not by force, but by having a vision that's clear enough to pull you forward."

- Thomas M. Jones, Paradox Process

"True love emanates from the Divine. It is the act of self-giving through creation, the impartation of the Divine through the human. Love is a complete unity with life and only as the soul becomes conscious of its ONENESS with all that lives can it express genuine love. When we realize that God and humanity are One, then we shall love humanity as an expression of God and God as the Life Principle in all creation."

- Dr. Thurman Fleet, "Rays of the Dawn"

"All that is necessary to break the spell of inertia and frustration is this: Act as if it were impossible to fail."

- Dorothea Brande

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This newsletter is designed to provide you with general information and the opinions of prominent Chiropractors, which should not be construed to constitute medical advice.

About Our Practice
Dr. Gale Offers:
* FREE Karma Clearing at www.clearkarmanow.com * Transformational Life Coaching * FREE Phone Consultations * Gentle Chiropractic Care * Detoxing Protocols * Holistic & Alternative Healing * Candidiasis Protocols * Weight Loss & Nutritional Counseling * Toxic Food Additive Info about MSG, Aspartame & Sucralose * Lifestyle Makeovers * Shaklee & Nikken Products *

Dr. Gale also serves as a:
* Karma Clearer * Transformational Life Coach * Professional Public Speaker & Lecturer - Available for Speaking Engagements, Radio & TV Interviews * Writer - Published Author of "Seven Steps to Less Stress" * Articles for Journals, Newspapers, & Magazines * Nikken Distributor (www.Nikken.com) * Shaklee Distributor (www.Shaklee.com) *

Please feel free to contact Dr. Gale with any health questions or concerns. If you would like to make an appointment for a consultation, you may contact her by phone at
(404) 245-5342 or via email Drcindyg@aol.com.

Dr. Cindy Gale  Atlanta, GA...(404) 245-5342
Fmr Mbr - Networking Entrepreneurial Women; In "Manchester Who's Who Book of Professional Women"; Shaklee, Nikken & Advanced Naturals Products; Agent of Conscious Evolution; & Karma Clearer!
email: drcindyg@aol.com